OzCHI Workshop on

“Exploring Socio-Technical Aspects of Digital Health”

1:00 - 4:30 pm, 1 December 2024, Brisbane, Australia

held in conjunction with the 36th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI 2024)


We welcome a broad range of interested applicants, including students, academics, and professionals.

Please RSVP through this short RSVP form by 8 November 2024.

Registered participants can simply turn up and discuss on the day.


This workshop aims to explore the socio-technical aspects of digital health, which include elements of human and social aspects (e.g., end-user recruitment, co-design, consultations; healthcare practitioner workflow; role of interpreters and telehealth managers) as well as technical aspects (e.g., development methods, procedures, tools, technology feasibility, constraints, preferences) in the research and development of digital health software. The workshop aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to develop actionable insights and frameworks for integrating digital health technologies effectively. The primary goals of the workshop are to:

  • Explore Socio-Technical Challenges: Identify and discuss the socio-technical challenges in digital health.
  • Foster Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourage collaboration among professionals from various fields, including healthcare, information technology, and social sciences.
  • Develop a Research Agenda: Inspire future research by developing a roadmap for socio-technical R&D in digital health.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

Methodology and Concepts

  • Application of socio-technical methods in digital health research
  • Socio-technical system design and evaluation
  • User-centered design and participatory approaches
  • Evaluating usability and user experience in health technologies

Applications and Technologies

  • Adaptive user interfaces in healthcare applications
  • Integration of EHRs with patient-centered care technologies
  • Development of telemedicine platforms
  • mHealth applications for chronic disease management

Social and Ethical Aspects

  • Privacy, security, and ethical considerations in digital health
  • Addressing cultural and organizational factors in technology adoption
  • Strategies for overcoming resistance to change among healthcare providers
  • Legal and regulatory issues in digital health implementations




Lunch Break


Participants Register


Welcome Address

Rashina Hoda


Keynote Presentation - Integrating Socio-Technical Approaches in Digital Health


Short Break


Session - Experience Sharing and Open Discussion


Summary and Wrap Up


For further inquiries, please drop an email to wei.zhou2@monash.edu. We also welcome all suggestions and comments to this workshop.